Project : Stamina

Project : Stamina, LLC.


I worked on this project for a couple years as the Art Director, 3D modeler, Twitch streamer, UI/UX department, and even as one of the managers and founders. I had my hands on creating the aesthetic look and feel of all the characters alongside a talented art team, and handled all the UI/UX decisions myself as I worked with our engineers to implement them into the Unreal Engine.

Hero ability icons

I did a LOT of icons for this project. Here you can see a few different hero icons, all color-themed to fit each character!

Creating the look

I wanted to reference GIGANTIC in terms of color and style since Project : Stamina started out as a spiritual successor to that game. We wanted a slighter darker and more grown up look, so I tried to make an updated layout and slick visuals to forge our own identity. The below images are various screens throughout the game: log in, home, play, social menu, options, and even a match found popup. Check out the slideshow below!

Game mode HUD

The toughest challenge was creating an ability UI that made sense. There needed to be 4 abilities and an Ultimate one. We needed health and stamina, a place for stats, level and a slot for passives. We also needed a top HUD that made sense for our game mode. I couldn’t help but be inspired by the game GIGANTIC, but I tried to get a personal feel and display the health bars of the giant monster objective in a clearer, more unique way to our game.


Archer : Danger Phone


Deifos Warriors of the Gods